One step closer: First American offshore wind turbines installed

Installation is now complete at the new Block Island wind power facility. On August 8, one member of the team tweeted, "I think it now qualifies as a 'farm' -2nd turbine completed last night #BlockIslandWindFarm@DeepwaterWind " From the blog of Greg Alvarez, on the American Wind Energy Association's website ( -- American offshore wind power … Continue reading One step closer: First American offshore wind turbines installed

From the Mass. Climate Action Network: the Energy Omnibus Bill is in the House TODAY

[Below are detailed ideas on what to ask for in the bill, and a link to find out who your Mass. elected officials are.] ------------------- Massachusetts has been a national leader on clean energy,  but now are at a crossroads: we are poised to invest billions of dollars to replace retiring power plants and make … Continue reading From the Mass. Climate Action Network: the Energy Omnibus Bill is in the House TODAY

Enormous blades could lead to more offshore energy in U.S.

An interesting proposal for huge wind turbine blades…the length of which would be greater than two football fields…could mean 50-megawatt turbines for offshore use. Sandia National Laboratories is researching the extreme-scale blades for the Department of Energy. Most wind turbines presently yield between one and two megawatts, so this would be an enormous jump in … Continue reading Enormous blades could lead to more offshore energy in U.S.

Maine offshore wind project still faces money hurdles, despite federal grant

Maine recently received $3.7 million to develop a floating, deep-water wind farm, but needs much more than that to get the project going. Their goal is to win the full $47 million grant from the DOE, which would attract enough private investors to finance the $100 million project. [This article is from November, 2015; if anyone … Continue reading Maine offshore wind project still faces money hurdles, despite federal grant